Thursday, February 12, 2015

Think Tank Quickies (#161)

  • Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker does Chatham House; blasted for avoiding questions.
  • Brookings has a new foreign policy blog.
  • IISS releases Military Balance 2015; China refutes findings.
  • Transparify to release 2015 financial transparency report on think tanks Feb. 17.
  • Russian think tank that pushed for invasion of Ukraine now calling for invasion of Belarusian leader?
  • Pentagon think tank analysis: Putin has Asperger's syndrome.  Dubious "science"?
  • Anton Tsvetov: How think tanks can make Russia's foreign policy better (in Russian).
  • Think tanker Justin Wolfers says that more running probably isn't bad for you.
  • How Congress's dysfunction has degraded its own in-house think tank.
  • A journalist having trouble covering Canadian politics/economics?  Fraser Institute to the rescue?