Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Think Tank Quickies (#162)

  • If you run a think tank and don't have an economist on the payroll, you're an exception.
  • Different think tanks show different views of German-Israel relationship.
  • Brookings scholar Martha Derthick, an authority on Social Security, passes away.
  • Foreign think tankers spied on by NSA? 
  • CSIS Advisor Arnaud de Borchgrave passes away.
  • Think tank publishes report on tanks that think.
  • Free market think tanks: 2015 website and social media presence.
  • Why do Western think tanks draw contradictory conclusions on the Chinese army?
  • Brookings poll: President Obama the worst US president?
  • North Carolina's GOP legislature axing the UNC poverty think tank founded by John Edwards.