Think Tank Quickies (#222)
- Think tanker Justin Wolfers: Not convinced that Brookings/Wilson Center new $1 million game "Fiscal Ship" is fiscally responsible.
- SecDef Ash Carter-commissioned study on military transgender ban released by RAND Corp.
- Ghost Fleet, book by think tankers August Cole and P.W. Singer, sparked debate inside Pentagon.
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has a new website.
- Global think tank leaders grade the world's performance and prospects for 2016.
- Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) does AEI amid speculation of 3rd party run.
- Carl Meacham, formerly at CSIS, joins Uber; Michael Matera replaces him as Americas Program Director. (Manhattan Institute scholar Jason Meyer writes book about Uber.)
- Hunter College partnering with Brookings for a series of talks.
- Hudson Institute head Ken Weinstein in Japan visiting Diet members.
- Think tank (CEI) seeks damages over "unlawful" climate subpoena.
- Cato suppressing research that contradicts their dogma?