Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Think Tank Quickies (#319)

  • Lydia Dennett of POGO: Foreign influence laws (i.e., FARA) may apply to think tank activity.
  • Government-backed think tank warns of potential "financial panic" in China, a leaked report revealed.
  • Did alleged Russian agent Maria Butina, who attending American University, attend think tank events in Washington, DC?
  • Brookings scholar Jung Pak, a former CIA analyst, buys $2.2 million home in Chevy Chase.
  • Center for International Policy (CIP) launches Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative.
  • Some science journals (and think tanks?) that claim to peer review papers do not do so.
  • Computer algorithms can test the dodginess of published reports?
  • Slate: Conservative think tanker accidentally argues that single-payer could save Americans $2 trillion.
  • RAND Corp. develops IT solutions to enable the transition to unassigned office space. 
  • Largest inauguration in think tank history (via WiiSE)?