Monday, November 14, 2022

Think Tank Quickies (#458)

  • Daniel Bunn will be the next president and CEO of the Tax Foundation.
  • Jon Huntsman has joined CNAS's board of directors.  He was previously the Atlantic Council's board chair.
  • Politico: Spotted on an American Airlines flight from Palm Beach to DC: Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts in first class; Manhattan Institute president Reihan Salam in coach.
  • Quincy Institute event: Foreign funding and public trust in the think tank sector (and a summary).
  • Only 15% of people trust think tanks?  (Most don't even know what a think tank is...)
  • Warning: Someone is impersonating think tanker Michael McFaul.
  • New book Spies and Lies details how covert influence operations by China reach into US think tanks and elsewhere.
  • Todd Moss: "Think Tank" is the name of the orangutan house at the National Zoo. 
  • Shit Nonprofits Say on how think tanks decide to take donor money.
  • Pic: Scary costume for the DC think tanker.