Heritage Foundation 2011 Production:
- 188 public lectures
- 346 WebMemos
- 131 Backgrounders
- 14 Legal Memoranda
- 3 White Papers
- 5 moot court sessions for Supreme Court advocates
- 30 Issue Briefings for candidates
- 47 congressional testimonies
- 1 GOP presidential candidate debate
Heritage Foundation 2011 Communications:
- 9.6 million visitors to Heritage.org
- 3,508 radio interviews
- 1,339 television interviews
- 1,400+ commentaries in major print outlets
- 6.1 million visitors to "The Foundry" blog
- 225,000 "Morning Bell" e-newsletter subscribers
- 400,000 Heritage Facebook friends
- 162,000 Heritage Twitter followers
On its website, Heritage says it currently has a staff of 275 and an annual expense budget of $82.4 million.
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has released similar information in a document called "CSIS in Numbers" which can be found here.