Think Tank Quickies (#145)
- First Lady of Japan Akie Abe comes to CSIS to talk Womenomics.
- How naming rights for think tanks can go terribly wrong, and how to protect yourself as a donor.
- Who funds Princeton think tank Witherspoon Institute?
- Will retiring hawkish Fed chief Charles Plosser join a think tank?
- Think tanker Dinesh D'Souza avoids prison.
- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jinal to speak at AEI on Oct. 6.
- Did Republican gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut Tom Foley plagiarize from think tanks?
- WPost on Brooke Williams, co-author of the recent investigative NYT piece on foreign government funding of US think tanks, and conflicts of interest.
- Incoming Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai seeking to influence US think tanks.
- Any think tankers experiencing blogger burnout?
- Is Silicon Valley cozying up more with Washington think tanks?