Friday, April 8, 2016

Think Tank Quickies (#212)

  • Do think tanks have to apply for a business license, via Dana Shultz?
  • YouTube video: The story of the Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels.
  • German Marshall Fund holds high-level Brussels Forum March 18-20, 2016 (just before bombings).
  • Max Fisher in Vox: How Saudi Arabia captured Washington think tanks.
  • CSIS event brings 45 current and former women ambassadors.
  • Price Floyd: Some DC think tanks may have problems finding women panelists, but not Project 2049.
  • Tamara Cofman Wittes of Brookings on being a think tanker.
  • Insights from Aaron Swartz on DC think tanks. (h/t Frank Pasquale)
  • British aid money wasted on terrorists and think tanks?
  • Russia Direct says it is "something of a hybrid between a media outlet and a think tank." 
  • Think tanker Justin Wolfers blasts flaws in academic study about Bernie Sanders's economic plan; and Jeffrey Flier of Harvard on how to keep bad science from getting into print.