Think Tank Quickies (#244)
- Leaders of 17 think tanks around the world react to election of Donald Trump.
- Josh Boak: "Whoa. Even think tanks are getting into the Cyber Monday action."
- Chris Baker: If you start to search most think tanks in Google, the top suggested result is the think tank's name followed by "bias."
- These professors (and think tankers?) make more than a thousand bucks an hour peddling mega-mergers.
- Think tank funded by Dick & Betsy DeVos: "Bring back child labor: Work is a gift our kids can handle"; Blake Hounshell says may come up at confirmation hearing.
- Chicago Council partnered with Brookings and Atlantic Council to produce "Preserving Ukraine's Independence" report.
- John Bolton of AEI and Richard Haass of CFR are potential Secretary of State picks under Trump.
- Burson-Marsteller and Bipartisan Policy Center host panel discussion focused on policing, race, and the media.
- "Think tank" (British Influence) plans legal action to keep UK in EU single market.
- Foreign Policy Research Institute provided reports to the Washington Post on misinformation campaign against Hillary Clinton.