Think Tank Quickies #43
- Why have Indian think tanks failed to find their way into global rankings?
- CEI says EPA helps friends FOIAs, while foes' are delayed or blocked.
- Brussels think tanks on Twitter: A performance ranking.
- CEIP's Ray Struyk on managing human and financial resources at think tanks.
- Guyana think tank accuses Canadian mining firm of exploitation, corruption.
- Brookings scholar and former Obama adviser Vali Nasr criticizes Obama on Afghan War.
- CEIP scholar Moises Naim on the end of power and stability.
- AEI President Arthur Brooks op-ed on Republicans and their "faulty moral arithmetic."
- Cato's new Distinguished Senior Fellow, Czech President Vaclav Klaus, faces treason charges.
- Stimson Center wins $1 million MacArthur Foundation award.
- Ranking the top Latin American think tanks.
- 60 ways RAND has made a difference.