Think Tank Quickies #59
- Ranking the worst think tanks in the world.
- RAND: Cost of dementia tops $157 billion annually in the US.
- Cato vs. Heritage intern debate: conservatism vs. libertarianism.
- Lots of think tankers like to say that retweets (RTs) are not equal to endorsements.
- Atlantic Council's Leadership Awards draws 700 guests from 33 countries.
- CEIP publishes report saying China likely to mount increasingly formidable challenge to the military supremacy of the US in the waters around China.
- Cato Institute among most active to file friend-of-the-court briefs with the Supreme Court.
- Think tank networks as government policy.
- Chatham House event: Do US Presidents Matter?
- HuffPo article: Women replace men as leaders of progressive think tanks.
- Egyptian president to oversee government think tank.