Think Tank Quickies #76
- A cheat sheet for UK think tanks.
- Chart: Political leanings of selected UK think tanks.
- Justin Wolfers re-joins Brookings as a Senior Fellow in Economic Studies; he will co-edit the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA); his appointment lasts 13 months.
- CSIS and CSBA hold joint press briefing on SCMR options.
- Richard Lindzen, MIT professor and prominent climate scientist, joins Cato Institute as a Distinguished Senior Fellow.
- Fact: Two Distinguished Senior Fellows at Cato (the think tank's most prestigious appointment) have been awarded Nobel Prizes while affiliated with Cato.
- NAF's Sascha Meinrath meets with Senior White House officials on US surveillance activities.
- Former Bush security advisor Stephen Hadley joins USIP Board of Directors for 2nd term.
- USIP fills Asia-Pacific and Economies positions with Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt and Ethan Kapstein.
- USIP tapped to facilitate Congressionally-mandated national defense panel.