Think Tank Quickies (#95)
- Infographic: China's official think tanks.
- Liberal Bias: "The Heritage Foundation embarrasses itself with numbers...again."
- Alyssa Ayres, a top State Dept. official for South and Central Asian Affairs, joins CFR.
- Ratan Tata and Takeshi Niinami (CEO of Japan's Lawson Inc.) named to Board of East West Center.
- Texas Gov. Rick Perry to address conservative Austin think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation.
- Brookings hosts Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Director Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn.
- Hillary Clinton and China's Vice Premier talk early childhood development at Brookings.
- Video: Sneak peek of CGD's new home; moving day Nov. 20.
- Challenges think tanks face to leverage policy influence.
- What do Citigroup and Barclays have in common with the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC)?