Think Tank Quickies (#98)
- 10th Anniversary Saban Forum at Brookings features remarks by President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Secretary of State John Kerry.
- Scholar Norm Ornstein at conservative AEI pins Congressional dysfunction squarely on GOP.
- NAF scholar Thomas Ricks: "A smaller military is better."
- Flashback: Nelson Mandela at Brookings in 2005.
- An updated view of the Kochs and the Cato Institute, via Muckety.
- Muckety: "Think tanks are hardly quaking in their boots" about Elizabeth Warren.
- Think tank network plotted "coordinated assault" on Medicaid, Education, and Workers' Rights?
- Survey: Context and think tanks.
- Hoover Institution linked to spy case.
- Washington Post's Timothy Lee: "Hey New America Foundation, I know you're trying to be clever, but "In the Tank" is an unfortunate name for a think tank blog."