Think Tank Quickies (#101)
- Think tanks promoting a Mexican free economy.
- Boston Globe editorial: Revealing think tank donors a "noteworthy" first step.
- Cato Institute's "Libertarian State of the Union" to be held January 24, 2014.
- Best of Brookings playlist (YouTube).
- Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi says think tanks should help cooperation between China and Central/Eastern Europe.
- petition: Think tanks cannot voice opinions on the BBC without stating their funders.
- Gary Kasparov to deliver keynote address at Cato's Milton Friedman Prize dinner on May 21, 2014.
- CFR's Preventative Priorities Survey for 2014 is released.
- Unilever CEO Paul Polman wins CGD's 2013 Commitment to Development Ideas in Action Award.
- Pic: Holiday party at the Wilson Center.