Friday, January 17, 2014

Think Tank Quickies (#104)

  • First African Think Tank Summit to take place Feb. 3-5 in Pretoria, South Africa.
  • How a NAF Board of Directors member was blackmailed and hacked by the Chinese.
  • Red Burns's Interactive Telecommunications Program was "part think tank, lab, playground, and atelier."
  • On Think Tanks on "Think Tanks in America" by Thomas Medvetz.
  • Video: Nicolas Ducote on effective leadership of think tanks.
  • Andrew Selee, author of What Should Think Tanks Do?, to become EVP of Wilson Center; Blair Ruble to become VP of Programs.
  • Video: Andrew Selee on thinking about think tanks: What are they and what do they do?
  • Results of Brookings' war-games of a US-Iran crisis over Syria.
  • Atlas Network establishes in 2013; requesting proposals for Liberating Asian Enterprise - a new grant opportunity for think tanks tackling the big questions in Asia.
  • Slide show presentation on think tanks via Demos Helsinki.