Think Tank Quickies (#128)
- New America Foundation awarded $500,000 grant by Kellogg Foundation for family-centered social policy initiative.
- A $5 million gift from John Cazier to RAND launches environmental and energy sustainability initiative.
- Former senators go on to lucrative careers as presidents of trade associations, rainmakers at lobbying firms, or older statesmen at think tanks.
- US Embassy in Berlin offering grants up to $20,000 to think tanks for ideas to support the US-EU free trade agreement (FTA), also known as TTIP.
- Brookings releases new report on FDI in US metro areas.
- UK think tanks look to achieve influence first and foremost with academic partners.
- Happy birthday! On Think Tanks turns four (and offers advice).
- 1-minute video from CSIS: Who is ISIS?
- Azerbaijani, Turkmen think tanks mull possibility of cooperation.
- "This Town" revelation:
Aspen Institute President Walter Isaacson "always blows right past" the
author at parties en route to the more important folks.