- Elizabeth Pierce of Brookings: ISIS and the Politics of Radicalization.
- F. Gregory Gause of Brookings: ISIS and the new Middle East Cold War.
- Lina Khatib of Carnegie Middle East Center: Defeating Islamic State Requires a Saudi-Iranian Compromise; and What is the Logic Behind Islamic State's Media Strategy?
- Kawa Hassan of Carnegie Middle East Center: Islamic State is a Consequence Not a Cause of the Current Catastrophe.
- Mona Alami of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP): The Islamic State and the Cost of Govering.
- Frederic Hof of Atlantic Council: ISIS in Syria - Avoiding Assad's Ambush.
- Khaled Dawoud of Atlantic Council: ISIS at Egypt's Door.
- Moshin Khan of Atlantic Council: ISIS and the Iraq Economy.
- Anthony Cordesman of Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): Winning the Campaign Against the Islamic State - Key Strategic and Tactical Challenges.
- Richard Haass of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): Look to Syria to Halt the Deadly March of ISIS.
- David Barno of Center for a New American Security (CNAS): ISIS- America's Next War?
- Justin Logan of Cato: What Sort of Problem Is ISIS?
- Elizabeth Slattery of Heritage Foundation: Does Obama Have to Notify Congress Before Taking Military Action Against ISIS?
- Nile Gardiner of Heritage Foundation: Obama Should Talk About ISIS the Way David Cameron Does.
- Helle Dale of Heritage Foundation: the ISIS Propaganda War.
- New America Foundation (NAF) maps ISIS activity.
- The team at American Enterprise Institute (AEI) weighs in on ISIS.
More will be coming soon...
In the meantime, here is a previous Think Tank Watch post titled "ISIS Acronym Hurting Think Tank's Reputation."