Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tea Party Queen Michele Bachmann Dream: Think Tank Land

Tea Party conservative Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is leaving Congress at the end of the year, and all she wants for retirement is to work at a think tank.  Preferably, she wants to work at a foreign policy think tank.  Here is how the Washington Post describes her retirement plans:
Bachmann says the model laid out by former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) in his post-congressional life is a “great example” of what she’d like to do: some time as a talking head, a position at a think tank (preferably having something to do with foreign policy), premium speaking fees and maybe a book or two.

So, which think tank could Bachmann land at?  The most likely is the conservative Heritage Foundation, where she gave one of her last official speeches as a member of Congress earlier this month.  [WPost notes that the audience at the event was primarily made up of a couple dozen interns.  Ouch.]

If she follows former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's think tank path exactly, she will land at the conservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where Gingrich was formerly a Senior Fellow.  She would also end up at Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), where Gingrich was a member of the Terrorism Task Force.  [He is currently not a member of CFR.]

And following exactly in Mr. Gingrich's footsteps will also mean that she needs to start and collapse her own think tank, just like Newt.

Here is a list that Think Tank Watch compiled of various [largely former] Members of Congress and which think tanks they are now affiliated with.