After leaving the White House, Mr. Podesta founded the Center for American Progress, an organization that married policy and politics. “He’s a policy wonk’s policy wonk,” said Sarah Rosen Wartell, a co-founder who added he was also “very much a doer.” Enlisting wealthy donors like George Soros and Herb and Marion Sandler, Mr. Podesta made the center and himself power players in liberal politics.
The article notes that when Podesta become Counselor to President Obama in early 2014, he "came with a strategy" that he and Sarah Rosen Wartell had outlined in a 2010 report about how the president should aggressively use his executive authority.
The report referred to by NYT is CAP report from November 16, 2010 entitled "The Power of the President: Recommendations to Advance Progressive Change." That report could be one of the most significant think tank reports ever to come out of think tank land.
As Think Tank Watch has noted, CAP will likely become Hillary Clinton's go-to think tank and policy shop.