Think Tank Quickies #173
- Are computers trawling think tank report and Twitter feeds for stocks picks?
- Think tank a new training ground for Obama's green team.
- John Feffer: "My think tank [IPS] doesn't take any government funding, domestic or foreign, and this ensures our independence." No mention of corporate money...
- Caixin: China has think tank quantity, but not quality.
- Think tanks boosting insurance amid increasing lawsuits?
- The Onion on Marco Rubio's birthplace: "A closed-door think tank strategy session in 2010.
- Third Way: Routine jobs not returning as they used to.
- European think tanks CIGI and Chatham House urge new social pact on Internet privacy.
- US Gen. Bennet Sacolick interviewing think tankers regarding hostage rescue plans.
- New Israel Fund is seed-funding think tanks, including Mitvim.
- Flashback: Rethinking the think tank will a snowball experiment, via Sam Petulla.
- Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi gives speech at CSIS today.