Think Tank Quickies (#177)
- Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist, and co-founder and chairman of think tank Quilliam, does not win a seat in the UK parliament.
- State Dept. official Nisha Desai Biswal praises CSIS; praises its analysis and policy recommendations.
- Think tankers on the lobbying "arms race."
- CFR's Council of Councils holds 4th annual conference to assess the state of global governance; Marco Rubio "shows his prowess" at CFR, via Jennifer Rubin.
- Why is AEI President Arthur Brooks so good at fundraising?
- Think tank fundraising email offers "disconcerting glimpse" into how Washington works.
- DC think tanks make big push for defense reforms.
- Center for Talent Innovation, a think tank founded by economist Sylvia Ann Hewlett, releases study on ambitions of black women.
- CQ Weekly profiles CEIP President William Burns in April 20 edition; says he is still advising Obama on talks with Iran.
- Sen. Bernie Sanders: "Critics of raising the capital gains tax are often paid by corporate think tanks."