@peterwsinger If the Chinese were zapping GPS satellites right now, the little geolocation arrow wouldn't come up when I open Tinder, right?
— Wesley Morgan (@wesleysmorgan) July 8, 2015
The most important casualty in a cyber attack. https://t.co/52cWC1YAP6
— Peter W. Singer (@peterwsinger) July 8, 2015
Just going to hunker down and read GHOST FLEET all afternoon to calm my nerves. It ends happily, right @peterwsinger?
— Wesley Morgan (@wesleysmorgan) July 8, 2015
The last tweet refers to Singer's new book Ghost Fleet, which is getting tons of attention.
And in related cybersecurity (?) news, the Brookings Institution's website has been down for quite awhile today. We wonder if Mr. Singer has any comments about a possible cyber attack on his former think tank...