Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Think Tank Quickies (#230)

  • How think tanks influence the debate on Iran, by Barbara Slavin of Atlantic Council.
  • AEI head Arthur Brooks to speak at Conscious Capitalism annual CEO Summit.
  • Australian free-market think tanks ranked by social media presence.
  • ITIF launches Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA), an international network of think tanks dedicated to trade liberalization.
  • Debate with think tanks on thinking itself.
  • Wikileaks: Malaysia's most prominent think tanks.
  • Facebook still the predominant social media platform used by think tanks; some think tanks using Snapchat.
  • Does Connecticut need a think tank?
  • Costa Samaras: Proud that RAND Corp. pays summer associates.
  • NYT's Michael Gordan lands at conservative think tank FDD.