Think Tank Quickies (#261)
- Here's how to get hired by an elite think tank created by Google.
- Carmel Martin, an EVP at Center for American Progress (CAP) buys new $2.6 million house in Cleveland Park with lawyer husband Robert Welp.
- Alyssa Sims of New America publishes piece ("What is a Think Tank? First, We Should Ask Who Is a Think Tank?") on the lack of diversity at her think tank and others.
- Stimson Center Senior Associate Johan Bergenas is joinng Paul Allen's Vulcan Inc. as a Senior Director for Government Affairs.
- Heritage Foundation's Alyene Senger has just started as a policy analyst for health care for the Senate's Republican Policy Committee.
- Caleb Howe of RedState has invented a new think tank position: "Senior Fellow of Wearing American flag shirts."
- More on the Berggruen Institute, an "unusual think tank with an endowment of $1 billion"; it has just given out its first $1 million Berggruen Prize for philosophy and is starting work on a "secular monastery" to house around 50 thinkers on 400 acres of land in LA.
- Heritage Foundation has strong presence at CPAC; AEI also at CPAC.
- Andy Smarick named Morgridge Fellow in Education Studies at AEI.
- Back in the old days, Ezra Klein's blog bore the slogan, "Momma said wonk you out."