Think Tank Quickies (#263)
- Fake think tank scholar appearing on news shows?
- 2017 ranking of free-market think tanks by social media impact, via Alejandro Chafuen.
- Bill Clinton does Brookings (Clinton was roomates with Brookings head Strobe Talbott when they were both Rhodes Scholars at Oxford University).
- Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) holds 10th anniversary party at Newseum with former VP Joe Biden, Bob Dole, Tom Daschle, Trent Lott, Michael Steele and many others.
- Think tank scholars' new focus: Don't offend?
- Daniel Russel, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, will join the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) as a Diplomat in Residence and Senior Fellow.
- Mighty Earth using satellite imaging and supply-chain mapping info. from the Stockholm Environment Institute (environmental think tank) to identify deforestation in Brazil.
- Norm Eisen, a Brookings scholar and Obama Administration ethics czar, has signed a contributor deal with CNN.
- AEI holds annual Sea Island retreat; Politico notes that Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) probably took a Cessna to and from the event.
- Paul Knappenburger and Patrick Michaels of the Cato Institute invent a new climate-related term: "lukewarming."