Think Tank Quickies (#273)
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Counselor and Trustee at CSIS and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, passes away.
- AEI head Arthur Brooks proposes a new think tank: James Bond Institute.
- Should we be able to sue think tanks for malicious misrepresentation?
- Camille Busette joins Brookings to lead Race, Place, and Economic Mobility Initiative.
- Third Way think tank obtained leaked copy of Trump's budget.
- Andrew Bacevich destroys new Brookings report on national security strategy of the US: "The document is at once pretentious, proudly nonpartisan, and utterly vacuous."
- Gary Bourgeault: Think tank (RethinkX) misses it concerning oil and self-driving cars.
- 20 most influential think tankers on Twitter (methodology appears deeply flawed...).
- Corporate taxes get the think tank treatment.
- Think tank or fake tank, via Till Bruckner.
- Pic: What a former leading think tank president (Jim DeMint) does with his free time.