Think Tank Quickies (#334)
- McKinsey and BCG escorted five emissaries from the Saudi royal court to make the rounds at Washington think tanks.
- Politico: Domestic issues normally associated with Washington think tanks have been repackaged into cultural-resentment fodder.
- Watching the North Korea watchers (at think tanks).
- Think tanks unlikely to fund any work that has "income" or "wealth inequality" in its title?
- OpenSecrets: A look at the wide-ranging group of think tanks that might wield the Koch network's greatest power.
- Legislation written by lobbyists and think tanks.
- Australian think tank releases new satellite footage showing China's "re-education" camps.
- IPF event (India): The role of think tanks.
- Group behind Steve Bannon event in Canada funds Canada's biggest right-wing think tank.
- RAND's got talent.