Think Tank Quickies (#359)
- Stock image sites don't know what a think tank is.
- WaPo: Women are mysteriously missing from DC think tanks' foreign policy panels.
- CSIS finds new military technology being developed by North Korea.
- Think tank warning from Pew: A majority of Americans (58%) say they trust scientific findings less if they know the research was funded by industry groups.
- Japanese think tank estimate of cost of Fukushima disaster drastically different from government estimate.
- Name a job that you can completely suck at and still keep your job. Max Blumenthal: Beltway think tank senior fellow.
- Dr. James McGann releasing new think tank book: "Think Tanks: The New Knowledge and Policy Brokers in Asia."
- Bernie Sanders slams think tanks again.
- Some people not happy at think tank jobs.
- Eleanor Barkhorn observation: Many fitness trainers in DC work as think tankers.