Here is a look at the think tanks that have received money from Open Philanthropies as well as some of the projects that the foundation has funded:
- Center for Global Development (CGD): Research on the net health impacts of COVID-19 on various countries (here)
- RAND Corporation: Research on the state of AI assurance methods (here); legalizing marijuana in Vermont (here)
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP): To support the Full Employment Project (here)
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Chinese and Indian perspectives on biotech security risks (here)
- Urban Institute: History of Philanthropy Project (here)
- Niskanen Center: Research on immigration policy (here)
- Center for American Progress (CAP): Macroeconomic stabilization (here)
- Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE): Macroeconomic research projects (here)
- Roosevelt Institute: Macroeconomic policy research (here)
- Economic Policy Institute (EPI): Macroeconomic policy research (here)
- Center for a New American Security (CNAS): Outreach on technological risk (here)
- Wilson Center: AI policy seminar series (here)
- Washington Center for Equitable Growth: Macroeconomic policy research (here)
Muskowitz's net worth is estimated to be $14.9 billion, so it looks like he will have plenty of funds to continue funding think tanks for many years to come.