Think Tank Quickies (#439)
- Third Way urging fellow Democrats to respond to Capitol riot with "the size, scope, and seriousness of a presidential campaign."
- Andre Perry Twitter thread on how think tankers can write for impact.
- What would happen if Davos disappeared? And would anyone miss think tanks if they disappeared?
- New America seeking program manager for its #ShareTheMicInCyber project. "A first-of-its kind program, the project, will create a fellowship, research and event series, all designed to provide cybersecurity professionals from diverse backgrounds with an opportunity to conduct policy analysis, explore critical cyber security issues, and explore questions on diversity and the human side of cybersecurity."
- Former DC mayor Anthony Williams and Alice Rivlin of Brookings formulated a goal to increase DC's population by 100,000.
- An explanation of why scientists continue to publish poor studies.
- Why bridging the gap between policymakers and academics is so hard.
- Why research papers have so many authors.
- Think tank resorts: For some developers and hoteliers, it's no longer enough to build a hotel - you have to create an ideas community.
- The Fog of Peace (via Vanity Fair): "Reagan created USIP in 1984, as a sop to the anti-nuclear movement. Before long, Congress gave it a new, $111 million building just off the Mall, making it untouchable. So how's the mission going?"