Think Tank Quickies (#466)
- Former Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) is joining the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) as a distinguished visiting fellow for public policy.
- Heritage Foundation to host summit celebrating its 50th anniversary.
- The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 is seeking to build a database of vetted people to hand over to a 2025 presidential transition.
- Barbara Slavin has joined the Stimson Center as a distinguished fellow in the Middle East and North Africa program. She was previously at the Atlantic Council.
- Researchers at ASPI, a Canberra think tank that gets over half its funding from Australia's Department of Defense, found that a network working within China has used social media to undermine confidence in Australia's government and democracy.
- What books are China's intellectual elites reading? Check out recommended books from CICIR.
- Elon University has a new student-led think tank, Phoenix Policy Institute, showcasing undergraduate research.
- Feb. 22 webinar for undergraduates interested in working in the think tank sector.
- Video from 1960s shows founders of the Hudson Institute predicting the 21st century.
- Daily Caller: State Department funded think tank working to censor Americans.