Monday, April 24, 2023

Think Tank Quickies (#472)

  • Think tank: World risks descending into climate doom loop.
  • How Kevin Roberts flipped the script at the Heritage Foundation.
  • Sasakawa Peace Foundation conducts tabletop wargame over a 2026 Taiwan war.
  • Ghost experts, non-existent think tanks fueling India's disinformation drive.
  • United States Studies Centre hosts Australian cast of Hamilton.
  • AEI gets funding from both Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman.
  • Loren Thompson, a Forbes columnist and COO of the  Lexington Institute, unabashedly discloses his think tank’s funders within articles that mention them.
  • New Asia Society initiative to jumpstart anti-cancer collaboration between the US and China could be "the new ping pong diplomacy" helping to stabilize the bilateral relationship. 
  • RAND Corp. is "resolutely centrist."
  • Pic: Think Tank Tattoo.