Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Think Tank Quickies (#489)

  • Ukraine's Zelensky makes appeal to US think tanks.
  • Tony Blair think tank revenue hit $140 million.
  • Politico: "There was a secretive meeting at the Heritage Foundation that reportedly included allies of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban."
  • Myron Ebell, a leading climate change denier for 2+ decades, is set to retire from think tank CEI.
  • Eric Schmidt's think tank, Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), urges moonshot chase to keep US ahead.
  • Heritage Foundation using questionnaire to test the ideology of potential recruits for the next Republican presidential administration.
  • OpenAI's Sam Altman confronted board member Helen Toner, a director of CSET, for co-writing a paper that seemingly criticized OpenAI for "stoking the flames of AI hype."
  • House Republican Conference invited Capitol Hill staffers to a briefing with the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI).
  • Thomas Spoehr, previously director of the Heritage Foundation's Center for National Defense, is now a senior adviser at CSIS.
  • "The list of former high CIA officers now affiliated to GU/CSIS is indeed impressive."  [GU referring to Georgetown University.]