Think Tank Quickies #48
- If you work at a think tank, you've probably been hacked.
- Former Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), a newly minted AEI Senior Fellow, pens WSJ op-ed: America's nuclear deterrent/defenses eroding fast.
- Brookings hosts Gen. John Allen to discuss Afghanistan.
- Think tank boards: composition and practices.
- Infographic: Funders of major conservative think tanks: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.
- Campaigning charities must take note of think tanks.
- Washington, DC dominates new survey of "globally renowned" think tanks.
- Saudi Arabia needs oil and gas industry think tank.
- Center for Global Development (CGD) purchases office space at 2055 L Street, NW.
- US Department of Education official David Bergeron joins CAP.