Think Tank Quickies (#99)
- On Mexican think tanks.
- Brookings scholar Bruce Katz advises local leaders to think past Washington as government town.
- Brookings fellow Justin Wolfers hired by New York Times for new FiveThirtyEight-esque vertical.
- Brookings scholar Homi Kharas only think tanker to be named to's Leading Global Thinkers of 2013 list.
- Heritage Foundation: "Farm bill giveaways for underwear, flatulence, and manure."
- Urban Institute interactive map: How Washington, DC has changed over the years.
- Center for American Progress plays down role of donors.
- Lawfare blog at Brookings releases "Inside NSA" podcast.
- Lowy Institute recommends books of the year. [Also parts 2, 3, and 4.]
- Interactive tool from Brookings tracking partisanship in the US House.