Here are views about what is happening in Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea from scholars at various non-US think tanks:
- Chatham House analysis of the Ukraine crisis.
- European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR): How can the EU impose costs to Russia; and How to Help the Ukraine Help Itself.
- Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS): Ukraine - A Week of Testing Red Lines Ahead; and Ten Things You Should Know About Crimea.
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI): Preventing a New Division of Europe; and Reducing Risks Arising from Developments in Ukraine.
- International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS): Russia's Unclear Motives in Ukraine.
- Royal United Services Institute (RUSI): Russia's Crimea Gamble - Another Reckless Putin Move.
- Polish Institute of International Affairs: An American Strategy for Crimea.
Here is how a variety of top US think tanks view the situation.
While on the topic of Russia, here is a Moscow Times piece titled "The Rise and Fall of Russia's Economic Think Tanks."
And from Russia Direct: "Russian (think) thanks intervene in Ukraine.