Think Tank Quickies (#271)
- Reproducibility crisis in research studies.
- Former director of research at the Heritage Foundation, James Wallner (now an adjunct professor at Catholic University), on think tanks and the future of politics.
- China tightens rules on Chinese think tanks.
- What kind of think tanks does China want to establish, via The Diplomat.
- China's quest for its own Brookings Institution or Chatham House in vain?
- Kate O'Beirne, former Heritage Foundation VP of government relations, passes away.
- Amy Moritz Ridenour, a veteran leader in the conservative movement who testified in Congress about the illegal lobbying activities of Jack Abramoff, who had used her think tank (National Center for Public Policy Research) as a conduit in his influence-peddling scheme, passes away.
- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) has 18 think tanks.
- Jeet Heer: "Best part of my latest article in the New Republic is it destroys any chance I'll ever get a job in an American think tank."
- Steve Pieczenik: Think tanks in Washington are nursing homes for people who can't get a job elsewhere.