Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus Chaos Rocks Think Tanks

While nearly every Washington think tank large and small has closed their offices and instituted telework policies, they still continue to churn out reports.  Following is a selection of think tank work on the coronavirus:

  • Coronavirus guidance.
  • Brookings' coronavirus homepage.
  • How will the Chinese economy rebound from COVID-19?
  • Why $1 trillion is not enough.
  • The economy and policy in the coronavirus crisis to date.
  • The global macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19: Seven scenarios.

Heritage Foundation

Cato Institute

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
  • Regaining Lost Ground: Defense Support in the Coronavirus Pandemic. 
  • The impact of COVID-19 on humanitarian crises.
  • COVID-19: US economy and supply chains.
  • US-China relations and COVID-19: What can be done now.
  • Coronation, coronavirus, and the economy: The economic backdrop of a fifth Putin term.
  • Use of military forces in COVID-19 emergency.

Atlantic Council
  • A coronavirus message from the president of Atlantic Council. 
  • Atlantic Council's coronavirus homepage.
  • How the US can avoid COVID's geopolitical perils. 
  • Amid COVID-19, Iraq remains US-Iran battleground.
  • How the coronavirus will impact Panama's economy.
  • The global economic policy response to coronavirus takes shape.

RAND Corporation

Urban Institute
  • How we can alleviate economic insecurity during the pandemic.
  • Even before coronavirus outbreak, hourly and self-employed workers were struggling to meet basic needs.
  • How should prisons and jails prepare for COVID-19?
  • Understanding hospital bed capacities nationwide amid COVID-19.
  • Addressing housing insecurity during a pandemic.
  • What a COVID-19 recession looks like.

Peterson Institute for International Economics
  • Policy in the time of coronavirus. 
  • The case for a big coronavirus stimulus.
  • Coronavirus, a new jolt to Iran's economy?
  • Coronavirus: From quarantine to trade.
  • Coronavirus and trade restrictions.
  • Coronavirus is no excuse for repeating errors of financial crisis.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • What the coronavirus means for China's foreign policy.
  • The coronavirus pandemic should end Europe's comfort zone.
  • How is Russia coping with the coronavirus?
  • US-China cooperation on coronavirus hampered by propaganda war.
  • Drawing near to God amid the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Corruption vulnerabilities in the US response to the coronavirus.

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Wilson Center

US Institute of Peace (USIP)

Much more coming soon...