Think Tank Quickies (#131)
- What if the Brady Bunch had started a hawkish think tank? Welcome to the Cheney think tank?
- Art Pope has directed millions into creating a think tank that has blasted UNC as being wasteful.
- Is the corruption of peer reviewing harming think tank credibility?
- Cato's Alan Reynolds calls Thomas Piketty's wealth data worthless.
- Jim DeMint pays off for Heritage and Heritage pays off for Jim DeMint, via Daily Kos.
- Jeff Knezovich covering this year's Prospect Magazine Think Tank Awards.
- US think tanks want US grand reception for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
- Prof. Sven Biscop: Are think tankers academics?
- US Mission to NATO invites think tanks to submit grant proposals on NATO's future.
- The Hill profiles
Third Way's Mieke Eoyang, director of the think tank's national
security program; calls Third Way "center-left"; says think tank has
paint that allows staffers to write with markers on the wall.